Food Talks: Young Voices - Reaction from COP26 and what next?
With COP26 concluded, explore what has been its legacy and the next steps for accelerating climate action.
#FoodTalks is brought to you by a partnership of the Food Ethics Council, Impact Hub Kings Cross, Organico, and London Food Link, part of Sustain.
For the final #FoodTalks of the year, join us for a reflection on COP26, looking at:
What is its legacy?
What hopes and concerns do young people have for the process and the outcomes of COP26?
How can we go beyond the Glasgow agreements to accelerate climate action?
How can we all ensure that young people’s voices are heard and listened to?
How can we get food and farming concerns front and centre in the future?
What can we as food citizens do to promote urgent and radical change?
Hear insights from our expert speakers and share your own questions and views. Our fantastic speaker line-up includes:
Power in Numbers